< Aurora Expeditions

Aurora Expeditions Cancellation and Refund Policy

If you wish to cancel your expedition, Aurora Expeditions asks that you notify your Travel Agent immediately in writing. Cancellation will take effect upon receipt by Aurora Expeditions of your written notice.

Standard Cancellation Policy*

Days Prior to Departure Cancellation Charge Per Guest
Booking - 90 Days Loss of deposit
89 - 0 Days Full price of expedition due within 7 days of cancellation

* After deposit, upon cancellation, Aurora Expeditions will consider any request by you to transfer the deposit paid towards a deposit to a subsequent expedition. Whether or not Aurora Expeditions agrees to any such request will depend upon applicable circumstances, including availability and other factors. The decision as to whether or not to agree will be made by Aurora Expeditions at its absolute discretion. If Aurora Expeditions shall agree to such a request, you will be liable to pay a fee of $500 per passenger (in the currency of your expedition) to cover administrative and associated costs and you will also be liable to pay any additional price for the subsequent expedition. The transfer of the Deposit is only valid on expeditions that depart within 24 months from the date of the original proposed departure date. Only one transfer of deposit to another expedition is permitted.

Last Modified: 06/13/2023

Cancellation Policies are subject to change by the cruise line. For the most current Aurora Expeditions and Refund Policies, please refer to the Aurora Expeditions website or a Aurora Expeditions brochure.

Link to Aurora Expeditions cancellation policies:

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